
Professional asbestos testers

If you suspect that your home or office may contain asbestos, it is important to have it tested by a professional.

Asbestos testing is not a simple process, and it should only be conducted by a trained and certified professional. The first step is to collect a sample of the material in question. This can be done by taking a small piece of the material, or by using a special vacuum that is designed to collect asbestos fibres.

Collecting an asbestos sample

Once the sample has been collected, it will be sent to a laboratory for analysis. The laboratory will use a variety of methods to determine if the sample contains asbestos. These methods include scanning electron microscopy, x-ray diffraction, and transmission electron microscopy. We only us NATA approved laboratories.

Laboratory testing of asbestos

Once the laboratory has determined that the sample contains asbestos, the next step is to identify the type of asbestos present. There are three main types of asbestos: chrysotile, amosite, and crocidolite. Chrysotile is the most common type of asbestos, and it is typically found in insulation and fireproofing materials. Amosite is often found in insulation, pipe insulation, and gaskets. Crocidolite is the least common type of asbestos, but it is the most dangerous.

Asbestos air samples

After the type of asbestos has been identified, the next step is to determine the level of exposure. This is done by taking air samples from the area where the asbestos is present. The air samples will be analysed to determine the level of asbestos fibres present.

Asbestos testing Brisbane

Once the level of exposure has been determined, the next step is to decide if asbestos removal is necessary. If the level of exposure is low, it may be possible to control the exposure by making sure that the area is well ventilated. If the level of exposure is high, however, it may be necessary to remove the asbestos.

Removing asbestos

Asbestos removal is a complex and dangerous process, and it should only be conducted by a trained and certified professional. The first step is to remove all of the asbestos-containing materials from the area. This includes insulation, flooring, shingles, siding, roofing and any other materials that may contain asbestos.

Air cleaning & filtration

Once all of the asbestos-containing materials have been removed, the next step is to clean the area. This is done by using a HEPA vacuum to remove all of the asbestos fibres from the air. Once the area has been cleaned, it will need to be sealed to prevent asbestos fibres from escaping.

Irwin Asbestos Testing in Brisbane

Asbestos testing is an important part of protecting your health and the health of your family. If you suspect that your home or office may contain asbestos, it is important to have it tested by a professional Brisbane asbestos removal company.

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